

If you would like to report any safeguarding concerns please email:

School health service within Alvaston Moor Academy:

Alvaston Moor Academy work in close partnership with the Specialist Community Public Health Nurse team and benefit from school drop ins and arranged appointments on a fortnightly basis. The school health service provides an opportunity for students to talk about a range of topics such as sexual health, relationships, emotional health, drug and alcohol use and physical health. If students can not access the drop in service in school, there is the virtual option below:

In addition to the above, students and parents can access ‘ChatHealth’ if:

You are a student aged 11-19 and want advice or have any worries about sexual health, relationships, emotional health, drugs and alcohol use or physical health, text the Young People’s ChatHealth service on 07507 327104

If you are a parent or carer for a child aged between 0 -19 and want advice or have any worries around bedwetting/soiling, concerns about hearing or vision, emotional wellbeing, behaviour or speech concerns, you can text the Parents and Carers ChatHealth service on 07507327754

Stopping Domestic Abuse Together (SDAT)

SDAT is a Derbyshire Police initiative working with Children’s Services.
As part of SDAT, Derbyshire Police will notify the School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead of every incident of domestic abuse where a child is known to be living in the household.

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and this is to help schools with responses to domestic abuse by helping them support children and their families exposed to or involved in domestic abuse. This may mean talking to students about their experiences, raising awareness through classroom discussion and schools activities, and helping victims and families by providing to them signposting information.

Alvaston Moor Academy is committed to protecting children and young people and working with partners to stop domestic abuse.

Alvaston Moor Academy is committed ensuring the needs of the child are met which includes:


  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Cause for Concern

All staff, volunteers and visitors are asked to report any causes for concern to the staff trained to deal with such instances. Concerns will be shared with parents/carers as early as possible as there are often reasonable explanations for the concern.


Absence and lateness is recorded by the attendance team. Reasons are sought for all absences. Concerns around attendance may be referred to the Lead Child Protection Officer. Parents/carers will be notified of attendance concerns at the earliest possible point.

Support for Families/Multi Agency Working

Alvaston Moor Academy works collaboratively with external agencies to ensure that children are safeguarded and their welfare is promoted. We actively work with families to secure positive outcomes for both children and families.

If you require support regarding an urgent safeguarding concern, please contact the Initial Response Team (Derby City Council Social Services) on 01332 641172.


The following organisations and charities are also available during the term time and school holidays, should you require any support:

  • Starting Point (Derbyshire County Council social services) 01629 522190
  • Young Minds – Text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 free, confidential support

YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds

  • Child Line 0800 1111

Childline | Childline

  • CAMHS duty helpline for any urgent concerns regarding emotional and mental health – 0300 1239164

Children’s mental health services (CAMHS) – Derby and southern Derbyshire :: Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (

  • Support for online concerns:
  • Online issues or exploitation contact Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency (CEOP)


  • Suspicion that a young person is at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation – contact Safe and Sound Derby 01332 362120


  • Advice, support, and options if you, or someone you love, goes missing or runs away – 24 hour Anonymous Helpline, text or call 116 000 (Whether you are missing yourself or have been affected by the disappearance of a loved one)
  • Parent’s and carer’s ChatHealth service (they offer support around bed wetting, concerns around hearing/vision, emotional wellbeing, behaviour, sleeping, eating and speech concerns) 07507 327754
  • Mental health worries:
  • Supportive apps – Calm Harm (app to help teenagers manage or resist the urge to self-harm), Clear Fear (app to help children and young people manage symptoms of anxiety), Move Mood (app to help teenagers manage low mood and depression) and Combined Minds (app to help families and friends provide mental health support)

Alvaston Moor A-Z Guide for Supporting Agencies

In order to support parents, carers and families with Early Help and being signposted to relevant agencies that can support and guide, please see the link below where you can access the Alvaston Moor A – Z guide of supporting agencies.

A Z AMA Early Help And Support

If you have any questions, concerns or queries, please contact for further support

Latest Safeguarding Newsletter

Summer Newsletter

Get the advice and support you need whilst having fun as a family! Derby’s Family Hubs are here to welcome you and your family to find the help you need through support and friendship. We offer a range of free activities, sessions, advice and support for families and young people aged from 0-19 years and up to 25 years for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

What’s On Guide – September to December 2024 (

The Safeguarding team are running a parent coffee afternoon on Thursday 24th October, 2-3pm, for all parents/carers to drop in and have a coffee and chat with AMA’s safeguarding team and the School Health team. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet the team and find out what support is available for your child, you and your family!

Please click on the link attached to highlight your interest in coming:

Contact Us

Alvaston Moor Academy
Bracken's Lane
DE24 0AN

Tel: 01332 576777

© 2025 Archway Learning Trust Made by CODA Education

Alvaston Moor Academy