Higher Education

Alvaston Moor Academy enjoys a strong relationship with Derby University. Students take part in a number of drop down events hosted by the widening participation team.

Students in year 9 have the opportunity to take part in the Derby Scholars programme. This is a collaborative programme delivered by University of Derby and University of Oxford. The aims of the programme are to:
- create opportunities for very able disadvantaged pupils across Derby city to interact and build a community of scholars
- support the Derby Scholars group to grow in confidence, build key skills and increase their social and cultural capital
- raise the awareness and knowledge of progression to Oxbridge.
Applying to University
If a student is planning on studying to degree level, it is important to know which A Level or Level 3 BETCs you should study at 6th form or college, the Russell Group of Leading universities have produced informed choices to help you decide.
- Russell Group Universities, which subjects for which degree https://www.informedchoices.ac.uk/
The UCAS (University & Colleges Admissions Service) website is the portal through which you apply to university. The website is searchable, so you can look at which universities offer which degrees, the website also contains information on how to apply, fees and loans
University & Colleges Admission Service https://www.ucas.com/
Employer Partnerships

Careers and Enterprise Company
Claire Knee (Enterprise Advisor) works with Archway Learning Trust staff to provide further employer engagement.

Business Enterprise Advisor
Amy Barber from Severn Trent Water works with the academy as our business enterprise advisor.

Enterprise for Education (E4E)
We have good links with E4E a Derby-based initiative which links employers with schools and students to raise aspirations, create a better understanding about career opportunities and improve employability skills