Prospective Parents

Admission Criteria


All students will be admitted at age 11 without reference to ability or aptitude, who permanently reside within the normal area served by the academy (as defined by the published area map, a copy of which is available at the school or Derby City Local Authority).

Note:  The permanent residency of a student is in a residential property which is the student’s only or main residence and which is either:

  1. a) owned by the student’s parents or parent or guardian;
  2. b) leased by the student’s parents or parent or guardian under a lease or written rental agreement.

Documentary evidence of ownership or rental agreement may be required, together with proof of actual permanent residency at the property concerned (Derby City Local Authority definition)

The number of intended admissions is 210.  If there are more applications than places available the following criteria will be applied, in the order set out below, to decide which students to admit up to the intended admission number of 210.

  1. Looked after children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order including children who were previously in state care outside of England and who ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. Priority will next be given to the children residing in the normal area at the time of admission
  3. Priority will next be given to children who have a sibling who will be on roll at Alvaston Moor Academy at the date of admission.
  4. Priority will next be given to children with special medical reasons to attend the academy supported by a medical certificate.
  5. Priority will next be given to children who live the shortest distance from their home address to Alvaston Moor Academy.

In the event that the Academy has not met its intended admission number within the first three criteria above, then priority will be given to the applicant whose permanent address is nearest to the Academy.

The Governors will not consider more than one application on behalf of the same student in a single academic year unless the Admissions Committee considers there is a significant change in the particular circumstances of that student.

NOTE 1:   The Academy reserves the right to verify information supplied with the application and, if misrepresentation is proved, to refuse or cancel the place offered.

Arrangements for admission and appeals against non-admission

The Academy Advisory Board (AAB) receive applications each year from outside the normal catchment area.  These are considered carefully, but only when the normal catchment area has been satisfied.  Application forms are available from the home authority (School Organisation and Provisions, Derby City Council, Council House, Corporation Street, Derby, DE1 2FS).  They should be completed and returned to the home authority by the October deadline the year prior to the student’s admission.

For a September intake, the AAB admissions panel will meet to consider applications from children living outside the area on the basis of the categories above.  The AAB will consider each application against the published admissions criteria.  These decisions are transmitted to the home authority, who will inform parents of the decision on 3rd March 2025.

Any parent whose child is refused a place has the right in law to have his/her case heard by an Appeals Panel, which is independent of the body, which made the original decision.

A request to appeal against the AAB’s decision should be made to the Clerk to the AAB


Sibling:  Brother and sister are classed as having one or both natural parents in common, are related by a parent’s marriage or are adopted or fostered.  Brothers and sisters must be living at the same address.

Tiebreaker:  In the event that two or more applicants meet the admissions criteria equally, priority will be given to the child living nearest the Academy, measured by a straight line.  The line will be measured from the home address to the Academy using the national Ordnance Survey set points.

Contact Us

Alvaston Moor Academy
Bracken's Lane
DE24 0AN

Tel: 01332 576777

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Alvaston Moor Academy