

Alvaston Moor Academy is proudly recognised as an Inclusive Attendance school. Our unwavering commitment to attendance centres around child-centric actions, evidence-informed practices, and a shared understanding of everyone’s roles and collective responsibilities to promote exceptional attendance.

Good attendance is the essential foundation to positive outcomes for all students. We will consistently work towards a goal of 100% attendance for all children. Every opportunity will be used to convey to students and their parents or carers the importance of regular and punctual attendance.

Attending school on a regular basis is the key for students to achieve in school and will set them up with good routines for later life and the working world, as well as giving them the opportunity to:

  • make new friends and feel included
  • learn new things and develop skills
  • increase their confidence and self-esteem
  • improve social skills
  • achieve their potential and fulfil aspirations

Expectations – working together to secure good attendance

We expect that students will:

  • attend school every day.
  • attend punctually every day (be on the school site by 8.30am)
  • attend fully prepared every day (equipment, planner, uniform etc.)

We expect that parents/carers will:

  • ensure their child attends school every day, punctuality.
  • make medical and dental appointments outside of school hours (as far as possible)
  • notify the school daily of any absences (before 9.00am on the first day of absence)
  • notify the school immediately of any changes to emergency contact details.

We expect that the school will:

  • provide a welcoming and safe learning environment.
  • contact parents/carers when a child fails to attend, and no reason has been given.
  • recognise good attendance and punctuality through the rewards system, termly and annually with certificates and prizes

First Day of Absence

Parents and carers are expected to contact the school on the first day of their child’s absence and provide a reason for their non-attendance to school.

This should be done by using the Student Absence Line (dial 01332 576777 and select option 1) or on the Weduc App. If no contact has been made by 9.00am, the attendance officer will contact parents/carers. If there is no contact from the parent or carer after three days of absence, an unannounced home visit will be undertaken by a member of staff. The Attendance Officer may visit the home of a student where there are concerns over attendance, and they have not been able to contact parents/carers.

Further Support

For any other queries regarding attendance please see the following supporting documents:

ALT Attendance and Punctuality Policy

AMA Attendance and Punctuality Statement of Practice

You can also watch our Instructional Attendance Videos here:

Why good attendance is important

Timings of the school day

How AMA supports students to improve their attendance

Changes to the law for Persistent Absence

If you have any further queries, please contact the school directly and we will be happy to help.

Contact Us

Alvaston Moor Academy
Bracken's Lane
DE24 0AN

Tel: 01332 576777

© 2025 Archway Learning Trust Made by CODA Education

Alvaston Moor Academy