

Alvaston Moor Academy’s Uniform

Uniform Slide PDF


We pride ourselves on high uniform standards at Alvaston Moor Academy and ask for the co-operation of parents in ensuring we work together to maintain the uniform expectations.

We expect students to be ambassadors for the school and to wear our uniform with a sense of pride and purpose. This instils a sense of belonging.

We also expect that students wear their full Academy uniform correctly on the way to the Academy, throughout the Academy day and on the journey home.

Students must wear:

  • Academy Blazer
  • Academy Clip on tie
  • White long/short sleeve formal shirt
  • Plain black formal trousers (no jeans/leggings allowed)
  • Academy style pleated skirt (not tight fitting or stretchy) that falls at the knee
  • Plain black socks or tights
  • Plain black leather or leather look shoes (no plimsolls or boots, however this can include plain black leather trainers with no coloured logos or soles- see below image for clarification

Students can choose to wear: 

  • Black V-neck jumper—no round neck or sweatshirts
  • Students are permitted to wear a plain black or white kamiz or shalwar.
  • A wrist watch is optional
  • one pair of small lower lobe ear studs and one small nose piercing (No other jewellery is permitted.)
  • Hair should be kept neat and tidy and any hair accessories should be small and plain coloured only. Extreme hairstyles – such as shaved emblems or lines, unnatural colour dyes are not allowed

Unacceptable Items of Clothing:

  • Hoodies or Sweatshirts
  • Trousers with very tight fitting legs, jeans, jeggings or cycle shorts
  • Skirts above the knee or skirts that are excessively tight
  • Denim or leather jackets

PE Kit: 

  • Plain black or white t-shirt/polo shirt
  • Plain black sweatshirt
  • Plain black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or sports leggings (unbranded)
  • Sports trainers

(Alvaston Moor Academy badged polo shirts and zip jackets are available to purchase if desired)

Valuables are brought into the Academy at the owner’s risk. The academy policy on mobile phones and headphones are that they are not to be seen or heard and staff can confiscate items, if this is breached.

Money we are a cashless school and use Weduc Payments.  However, any personal money must be kept on the person at all times and not left in coat pockets or bags.

PE Kit

Academy Uniform

Contact Us

Alvaston Moor Academy
Bracken's Lane
DE24 0AN

Tel: 01332 576777

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Alvaston Moor Academy