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Personal, Social and Health Education

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE education) is defined as: ‘…a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.’

PSHE education at Alvaston Moor Academy offers students the opportunity to develop the understanding, knowledge and skills they need to achieve and exceed, to be resilient and to lead safe, happy and healthy lives. It aims to help students understand how they are developing personally, socially and emotionally and explore a range of attitudes and values. PSHE at Alvaston Moor is delivered through our Personal Development programme which is designed to enable our students to become well informed, resilient, empathic and confident young people; whilst covering the statutory frameworks laid out by the DfE for Relationships and Sex Education and Mental Health and Wellbeing from September 2020.  It includes topics such as: bullying, crime, cultural diversity, drug and alcohol education, healthy eating, online safety, road safety awareness, prejudice, social and emotional health, wellbeing, sex and relationships, peer pressure and careers guidance.

Our Personal Development programme at Alvaston Moor Academy is organised around four core strands for all students which are:

  • Careers
  • Health and Well Being
  • Living in the Wider Community (Incorporating British Values of Democracy (BV1), Rule of Law (BV2), Individual Liberty(BV3) and Mutual Respect and tolerance (BV4))
  • Relationships

 There are additional strands at the different Key stages:


  • Literacy
  • Skills Builder


  • Study Skills
  • RE

The Personal Development programme is taught during 30 minute tutor sessions, three times a week, in horizontal year tutor groups. The tutor programme is arranged into short units of learning, which include some form of assessment activity to enable students and tutors to see the progress made.  It is supplemented with a weekly assembly and ‘drop down’ events though out the year, which are organised by year group. Our  ‘drop down events’ are led by professionals and external providers, giving students a safe and personalised learning environment to practice and develop the skills necessary to manage the moral, social and cultural challenges and responsibilities that are part of growing up and living in our world.

An overview of Personal Development  for 2021/22 can be found here:

PD Calendar 2021/22

Details of the overall academy Personal Development programme of study and with its links to the PSHE Association programme of study, Gatsby benchmarks, CDI frame work and Skills Builder can be found here.

Personal Development Programme of Study

Contact Us

Alvaston Moor Academy
Bracken's Lane
DE24 0AN

Tel: 01332 576777

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