

Purpose of homework

Homework is a vital part of the learning process at Alvaston Moor Academy. It provides students with the opportunity to:

  1. Consolidate prior learning
  2. Develop their understanding of topics and themes
  3. Extend their learning of a topic
  4. Develop their literacy and numeracy skills

Type of homework set

Homework tasks should be set at an appropriate level in order for all students in the class to be challenged. The homework will be relevant to the work which is being carried out in the lesson.

Homework may take the form of the following:

  1. Consolidation activity i.e. worksheets, textbook questions
  2. Research activity
  3. Extended writing tasks
  4. Learning of key facts or spellings
  5. Practising for an oral assessment
  6. Completing sections of coursework 

Where homework requires complex skills, such as research tasks, students will  be provided with a framework which can help them to structure the work. 

Frequency of homework

Homework should be set, as follows;

KS3 Core subjects once a week

KS3 Non core subjects once a fortnight

KS3 Practical subjects, as and when needed

KS4 All subjects once a week.

Tasks should take around 15 – 20 minutes for KS3 and 20 – 30 minutes for KS4, based on the size and nature of the task. Students should be given a week to complete the work.

Contact Us

Alvaston Moor Academy
Bracken's Lane
DE24 0AN

Tel: 01332 576777

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Alvaston Moor Academy