Derby’s SEND Local Offer
The purpose of our Local Offer is to allow parents, carers and young people to find out more easily about services and support and how to access them!
Derby Special Educational Needs & Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS). Free, legally based impartial, confidential and accessible information, advice and support for children, young people and parents/carers. SENDIASS gives advice on Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND), Health and Social Care. Your child does not need to have a formal diagnosis to receive our support.
Derby SEND Information Advice and Support Service | Derby City Council
Umbrella supports any family with a disabled child or young adult aged 5 to 30. Umbrella is able to support a child or young adult no matter what their disability as our services are person centred to meet individual needs.
Umbrella – Empowering Disabled Children, Young Adults And Their Families
Immersive Reader
Microsoft Immersive Reader is a free tool that supports literacy development for learners regardless of age or ability. Immersive Reader uses proven techniques to enhance: • Reading comprehension
Get Immersive Reader Offline Extension – Microsoft Store en-GB
Please find below, Alvaston Moor’s Accessibility Policy