All students between the ages of 16 -18 need to be in education, employment with training or following an Apprenticeship pathway, this is a legal requirement. Students studying with post-16 providers (Sixth forms, college, training providers etc.) will normally be entitled to free fulltime education until the age of 19, students with an Education Healthcare Plan will normally be able to access free full time education until the age of 25. Students studying in Post -16 education will be able to apply for a bursary to help with the costs of travel and study, this is means tested and eligibility will be based of household income, ask your Post-16 provider about this.
Students who follow Apprenticeship pathways will be payed a weekly wage by their employer, rates vary from employer to employer. Students who wish to continue their studies into Higher Education (University etc.), can apply for loans to cover the cost of tuition and living expenses.
The website links below are for a variety of different organisations, agencies and circumstances. These have been provided to help you to find financial information to support your studies.
Employment & Managing Money
- National Minimum Wage rates, the hourly rate for the minimum wage depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice
- Money Saving Expert, advice on all things financial including budgeting and best deals
- The Money Charity, a guide to all things student finance and student money related
- Save the Student!, banking and budgeting advice for young people. Also see ‘Money matters’ for financial support and advice in higher education, 16-19 Bursary Fund
- Helena Kennedy Foundation | work shadowing placements | e-mentoring
- Benefits explained, a guide to checking your benefits entitlement.
Support for students
- E4S for part-time and temporary work to support your studies Financial support to help vulnerable young people or those in financial hardship to stay in education.
- Hardship funds on how to find out if you’re able to apply for financial support for studying at university or college
- Turn2Us for charitable grants and get more information
- Childcare grant support for full-time students with children
- British Council extra help with funding for international students planning on studying in the UK ButtleUK
- www.buttleuk.orggrants to help remove the material barriers to education, training or wellbeing | support for care leavers
- National Union of Students, NUS Extra, discount card for UK apprentices
Higher Education & Degree Apprenticeships
- Student Finance Calculator, estimate student loans or extra student funding
- University & Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) finance and support
- Unitemps, recruitment agency specialising in temporary job vacancies, student jobs and internships
- Student Job, vacancies for students
- NHS bursaries, information on financial support if you’re studying certain NHS medical, dentistry or healthcare courses
- Social work bursaries support for social work students
- Teacher training funding and postgraduates can get help with the costs of their teacher training.
- Which?University types of extra funding are available to help you at university?
- The Scholarship Hub and apply for UK scholarships, grants or bursaries for university and degree apprenticeships
- British Council help with funding for international students planning on studying in the UK
- Erasmus support if you are considering studying at a European university
- Peterson’s student’s guide to US colleges and scholarships