At Alvaston Moor Academy students learn how to use hardware and software appropriately and how to choose the most appropriate software for given situations. Software used includes Microsoft Office and the Serif suite including web design software, animation software, draw packages and the Scratch games design software. Students also learn programming languages such as Python as well as E-Safety.
KS3 Curriculum plan/map
Year 7
Students study a number of projects including:
- Networking, Formatting, Staying safe online
- Binary Maths
- The algorithm of shapes
Year 8
Students study a number of projects including:
- Personal network and more
- Cyber security
- Encryption
Year 9
Students study a number of projects including:
- Making data work
- Programme a calculator
- Animation
Assessment at KS3
Through assignment work at the end of a unit, use of grade descriptors to assign current and predicted grades
Useful Links:
This link takes you to some great computing resources suitable for all KS3 students. These include some coding activities – Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. – This link takes you to some great computing resources suitable for all KS3 students. These include some coding activities
We do not currently offer computing at KS4.
Business Studies is offered to students at KS4 as part of their option subjects. Students follow the OCR GCSE Business (9-1) course. This includes topics such as Enterprise, Business Planning, Finance, Marketing, Business Growth, Communication in Business and Human Resources as well as many more. Students take 2 examinations in Year 11.
KS4 Curriculum plan/map
OCR GCSE Business (9-1)
This is a course with theory lessons throughout and 2 external examinations in Year 11. Learning is brought alive by using local businesses as examples as well as National and Multi National Organisations. Students will work through teacher designed booklets as well as being supported by textbooks. The use of real life examples will feature heavily throughout the course enabling students to appreciate the links between then theory and real life business situations.
How are students assessed at KS4?
2 examinations: 80 minutes each with 90 marks per paper.
Extension Activities / Planned Trips
Visits from entrepreneurs will be organised
Careers Information / Next Steps
Marketing manager, Accountant, Financial Advisor, Entrepreneur, Business Management etc
Useful Links:
This link takes you to some great computing resources suitable for all KS3 students. These include some coding activities – Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. – This link takes you to some great computing resources suitable for all KS3 students. These include some coding activities